The CAT exam basically aims at testing the aptitude and skills of the exam takers with respect to sections like Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal Ability, Logical & Analytical Reasoning and Data Interpretation. CAT 2025 syllabus is too vast to be defined. It covers topics from Class VIII to Graduation level subjects for each of the 3 sections. But, the syllabus of CAT 2025 exam will act as a road map for the aspirants, guiding them on what to study and what not to. Preparing as per the CAT exam syllabus will help the candidates focus on relevant and important topics only, thereby saving their precious time from being invested in the preparation of topics having less or no importance from the exam point of view.
Sectional Division
Chief topics
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC)
Para-jumbles, Para-Summary, Long & Short Passages etc.
Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR)
Team Formation, Seating Arrangement, Clocks and Calendars, Venn Diagrams, Bar Graphs etc.
Quantitative Aptitude (QA)
Simple and Compound Interest, Geometry, Trigonometry, Algebra, Percentages, Mensuration, Logarithms etc.
VARC being the first Section of CAT 2025 comprises of two parts (1) Verbal Ability and (2) Reading Comprehension. This section has undergone major changes over the years and assumed prominence as candidates can score high marks in this section. Major topics under this Section are depicted below:
This Section also has two parts (1) Data Interpretation (2) Logical Reasoning with nearly equal number of questions from each part. Major Topics under this Section are as under:
This is the 3rd Section of CAT 2025 and following are the main topics: